kW to Ampere – How to convert kW to amps?

2 mins read

If you’re looking to convert kilowatts (kW) to amperes (amps) in a three-phase circuit as well as a single phase circuit, our power calculator can help you out. This guide will show you the steps needed to accurately calculate current from kW as well as provide an example to walk you through the process.

KW to Ampere Calculator

How to use the calculator?

  • From the drop down, select the phase.
  • For this calculator, note down the voltage, efficiency, power factor and kW of the motor. You can find details from the motor nameplate.
  • Enter the data collected in respective fields.
  • You can take value 0.8 for pf and 0.8 for efficiency if it is not available on motor name plate.
  • The calculator would show automatically the calculated value.

Formulas to Convert kW to Amperes

Single Phase formula to Convert kW to Amperes

For single phase, amperes (A) is equal to kilowatts (kW) multiply by 1000 whole divided by Voltage (V) multiply by Power Factor (PF) multiply by Efficiency (EFF). Multiplying by thousand would convert kilowatts into watts.

Single Phase ampere formula when kW is known 1



Let us say you have 50 kW motor with rated voltage 230 VAC, power factor 0.80 and efficiency 0.85, then the input current of motor is 319.693 amps.

Three Phase formula to Convert kW to Amperes

For three phase, amperes (A) is equal to kilowatts (kW) multiply by 1000 whole divided by Voltage (V) multiply by Power Factor (PF) multiply by Efficiency (EFF) multiply by square root of 3.

Three Phase ampere formula when kW is known



Let us say we have 50 kW motor with rated voltage as 415 VAC, power factor as 0.80 and efficiency as 0.85, then the input current of motor is 102.416 amps.

Other Useful Calculators



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