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Saturday, July 27, 2024
How to choose solar panels

How to choose solar panels?

Ok, now that you have decided to buy a solar system for your house, the next step is – how to choose solar panels?Companies...
how to calculate washing machine power consumption

How to Calculate Washing Machine Power Consumption?

Washing machines use electricity for heating water, spinning clothes, and agitating detergent. The amount of energy used by a washing machine depends on several...
Which is more dangerous ac or dc current

Which is more dangerous AC or DC current?

Do you ever have an electrical shock? Well, many of us have the mindset that DC current is additionally dangerous than AC current. To search...
How to Select a Pedestal fan

How to Select a Pedestal Fan? – 14 Factors You need to consider before...

In most parts of India, the weather can be intense at times. As a result, a relaxing ventilation system is essential. It provides much-needed...
What is harmonics in electrical

What is Harmonics in Electrical?

Power System Harmonics, which is induced by the non-linearity of customer loads, is becoming a significant source of concern. This issue has gotten a...
How to clean rooftop solar panels

How to clean rooftop solar panels?

I have my rooftop solar panels got installed last year.The next thing that needs to be considered after the installation of solar panels is...
how to replace two way light switch

How to replace Two way Light Switch?

Has your electrical switch ever got damaged?Due to frequent use and that too for a prolonged time, sometimes the electrical switches get damaged.How would...
How to reduce the electricity bill

How to reduce the electricity bill at home?

Are you fed up with paying huge monthly electricity bills for your home? The good news is that there are several options for lowering...
what are benefits of line reactors

What are the benefits of Line Reactors?

If you are a plant engineer, you may have come across line reactors connected in line with the VFDs.Using line reactors with VFDs has...
How to calculate number of solar panels for home

How to calculate number of Solar Panels for home?

Are you planning for a solar rooftop? If yes, then you may need to know - how to calculate number of solar panels for...