Group Discussion: What is Group Discussion? and How to crack group discussion?

what is group discussion
5 mins read

Organizations lead GDs to pass judgment on your ability, based on plenty of clear-cut boundaries.

CAT aspirants need to be ready for group discussion once they get call from premium management institutes like IIMs.


Group discussion is part of college campus drive process.

Whether you are a CAT aspirant or want to get through the group discussion round during your campus drive, this article is for you.

In this article, I would explain you what is group discussion and how to crack group discussion round.

Starting with the basics…

What is group discussion?

Group Discussion is a recruiting procedure. Most of the organizations conduct it to choose a very bright employee for a specific work job.

Essentially, it is a casual conversation where candidates with comparable scholastic capabilities or related instructive foundations, discuss a point.

Along these lines, it is some of the time called a ‘leaderless conversation’.

How do Companies Conduct GD rounds?

The subject of conversation is for the most part given by a group discussion representative.

This is how the scenario of an ideal GD process has been portrayed underneath:

  • You will sit in a room with 6-12 members
  • You will be observed by a GD representative
  • You will be given a subject by the representative or panelist
  • You will be given a scheduled opening (5 to 10 minutes) to think and approach your focuses
  • You will be given a time allotment (15 to 30 minutes) to examine the theme with your gathering
  • To prevent you from talking past your singular time limit, your GD specialist could intercede.
  • Your GD panelist could flag the gathering (by ringing a bell) to end the GD round.

Who is a representative in a GD round?

‘Representatives’ or ‘mediators’ or ‘panelists’ are individuals who manage the whole group discussion round.

Assessment procedures utilized by representatives could differ from one organization to another, yet the overall GD scenario continues as before.

GD Assessment Sheet (Sample)

Date: __________________

Time allotment: ______________

Candidate strength: _________________




Candidate 1

Candidate 2

Candidate 3







Body Langauge






Analytical Skills


Language Fluency




Let’s Say:

A candidate who doesn’t talk during the GD round may not be appraised on any of the previously mentioned boundaries.

A competitor may be granted 1 just when s/he is extraordinarily awful or 7 when s/he is particularly great. Various boundaries of assessment are referenced in the table above.

The scores allocated to them are referenced in the primary section, for e.g., content = 30%, imagination = 5%, non-verbal communication = 10%, etc.

What is the reason and significance of the Group Discussion round?

Truly, a GD saves business time!

Furthermore, it’s an incredible method for testing your insight, nerves, and relational abilities, immediately.

It helps organizations,

  • To decide whether you are ideal for an organization
  • To test whether you are a cooperative person
  • To survey your business relational abilities
  • To assess your subject information
  • To check to assume you are agreeable to talking on a specific point or subject
  • To survey the immediacy of your contemplations
  • To measure your style and looks

For what reason is it so significant?

In each organization, workers speak with N number of individuals from different backgrounds, (for example, partners, clients, administrators, clients, assets, and so on.).

This requires a successful articulation of thoughts through words and the ability to involve one’s information deliberately.

So the main issue is to find out – who can leave an imprint in a discussion with his/her capacity to convey.

Assuming you neglect to introduce your perspective in a sensible way or you don’t depict great tuning in and relational abilities inside a gathering, you probably won’t have the option to intrigue the GD representatives.

Bottom line: Competition is intense. Along these lines, shout out!

How to crack group discussion?

Be ready for any Group Discussion Topics

As a candidate, you ought to know how to deal with and produce focus immediately on various kinds of GD Topics.

Group Discussion Topics can be extensively on Current Affairs nationally or internationally.

You must also be aware of the latest tech topics like EVs, the future of Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning, etc.

I would suggest you be an avid reader of newspapers to keep yourself updated with various topics. This is the best way.

Sometimes, GD topics are not so popular and sometimes they could be very popular. You cannot predict which topic the panelist chooses.

Better to stay updated with current affairs.

When precisely is my turn to talk in a group discussion?

This question may come to your head.

Let me tell you having an opportunity to talk isn’t a choice in a GD round.

You need to grab your chance. Be that as it may, don’t make it self-evident.

Here are a few situations where you can begin talking:

Grab the chance to talk first

Assuming that you are a powerful individual essentially and you have good expectations about your insight on the point (given by the arbitrator), then don’t sit around.

Start the activity!

I needed to talk first, however, another person previously did?

Assuming you feel your viewpoint varies from that of the GD’s initiator, respond by restricting his/her move gently.

Set forth groundbreaking thoughts and give the group discussion a new aspect.

I had a good thought however it just got taken?

This is your opportunity to snare onto others’ thoughts. Say thanks to them for carrying the point into the image and backing their thought with significant realities and additional main elements.

I have no focus to make?

Try not to be an onlooker.

You can close the GD with a kickass outline.

Assuming you know nothing about the GD subject on the table, continue to note significant focuses introduced by individual members.

Keep in mind, that talking rearward in a GD has an incredible effect on the mediator.

So you haven’t lost the fight yet!

Bottom line: Be proactive, not responsive.

Normal DONT’S that you should keep away from in a GD round

Going off-track from the subject:

Concentrate on your points alone and don’t allow different contenders to push you out of the theme. Be ready and remain composed assuming that they attempt to disturb you.

Losing your cool and making personal attacks on other candidates:

Keep up with your quiet and hold your discussion sensible. This is only a meeting round, not a conflict.

Focus on the numbers of points rather than key points:

As examined beforehand, accumulate your considerations and give them a design intellectually before talking.

Ruling excessively:

Try not to sound bossy and scorn everybody with inconsiderate comments or an excessive number of focuses. This will just bring negative imprints.

Citing an excessive number of statistical data points:

Referencing citations and realities is a decent approach to scoring focuses. Yet, don’t get carried away with them. Keep an equilibrium while you talk.

Investigating a subject ineffectively or beginning in a scurry:

Listen cautiously, think, and afterward talk. Talk first provided that you are certain about the point. Try not to be in a rush to begin first. You might wind up talking garbage.

Remaining quiet:

This is an intuitive round to look at your relational abilities inside a gathering. Along these lines, talk up to increase the value of the GD round.

Hope you found this article more helpful.

Remember to share your encounters in the remarks segment underneath.

All the very best!



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