How to get better Job – 8 Tips that give result in 2022

How to get better job
5 mins read

Having difficulty finding a better job that can enhance career growth?

If yes, then you have to find it differently.


Most commonly what you do, you start hunting for a job ‘online’.

You may go to job posting sites, browse the job posts, and start floating your CV. This is the easiest way as technology makes it easy to do so.

But you need to think that out of the number of job posts that you have applied for, how many times have you got an interview call from the company.

Why I am telling this? I would explain to you with an example. Look at the number of job applicants for only one opening.

Waree Energies

More than 1500+ job applicants have applied for one opening. Out of 1500, only a few applicants may reach the interview stage.

Hey Krunal! Do I need to stop applying online?

The answer to your query is ‘no’. You need not do so.

What I am pointing out here is that the percentage to get a job in this way is very less. So you should not only rely on online job applications.

In this article, I am going to give you tips on how to get a better job, that give you results.

How to get better Job?

Tip #1: Be Yourself.

You should never try to fake being something you aren’t. It’s not only unprofessional, but it will also make you come off as insincere. Instead, be yourself. This means being honest with yourself and others. Don’t lie about who you are or what you do.

Tip #2: Know Your worth.

If you’re looking for a new job, you need to understand your worth. What does your current employer pay you? Is it enough to live comfortably? Are there other jobs out there that offer more money?

Tip #3: Find out About the Company.

You should also find out what kind of company you’re applying to. It’s not just about salary; it’s about the culture of the company as well. Does the company seem like a good fit for you? Do you feel comfortable with the people who work there?

Tip #4: Prepare For Interview.

If you’re looking for a new job, then you need to prepare yourself for an interview. This means getting ready mentally and physically. Make sure you dress appropriately for the interview. Be prepared to answer questions about why you want to leave your current employer. Think about what you would say if you were asked these same questions during an interview.

Tip #5: Make use of Employee Referrals.

The success rate in this approach is high. Take a look at the stats below.

Employee Referral Stats

You can see that 40% of hires get recruited through an employee referral. Many companies use this approach to hire new employees as it is cost-effective for them.

To make use of employee referrals, you should know someone who works in the company.
Hey Krunal! How would I know who is working in that company?

For contacts, you can make use of LinkedIn, Facebook, and other social networking sites.
In the next two tips, I would answer this dilemma.

Tip #6: Stay Connected

I have observed in many job aspirants after their graduation do not know what their friends are doing or where they are working?

Remember! networking is very important. Stay connected with your colleagues, lecturers, friends, college mates, and everyone. Have a quality good relationship.

Make the right use of Twitter, Facebook, WhatsApp, etc. to stay connected.

I would give my example. I and my colleague became good friends while working in the company. I switched over to another company. But we remained in touch with each other.

In a casual meeting, he asked me for any requirements in the company where I was working. I said yes, and he mailed his CV. I forwarded it to the company HR.

Guess what!

His CV got selected and the interview had been scheduled. He got selected for the company. I can give a few more examples like this.

In this approach, the success rate is high.

Your CV won’t be just another CV in the stake of hundreds.

Tip #7: Build good relationships with the people who are working in the same domain.

 Let’s say you don’t have friends who are working in the same domain as yours.

In that condition, you can also directly contact the people who are working with the company. LinkedIn is the best way to connect with such people. People also use Facebook nowadays.

Let’s say you want to work as a “Project Engineer” at Bechtel Corporation.

Log in to LinkedIn and in the search bar type “Bechtel Project Engineer”.

Bechtel Corporation
Source: LinkedIn

Here, you shouldn’t do the mistake of targeting HR personnel and recruiters.

HR personnel and recruiters are already flooded with job-seeking emails.

So, target people who have one or two positions higher than yours. Say if you are in a managerial position in your existing company, you can target senior-level managers.

Reach out to them through email. However, you can contact them via messaging. Initially do not directly talk about vacancies. Talk casually, about the project you are working on and the challenges that you are facing.

In this way, you can learn also. The person would also come to know what kind of project you are working on. In that way, he/she would understand your job profile.

Tip #8: Dress Well.

You should also make sure you are dressed well. It’s not just about wearing something nice; it’s about dressing professionally. Wear clothes that fit properly. Avoid clothing with stains or holes. Also, avoid clothing that is too tight or too loose.

Bonus Tip

It would be better if you mention about one or two projects that you have carried out, as part of your profile on networking sites say LinkedIn. Recruiters do scan your profile before they reach out. I would give my example. Take a look below.

Here, you shouldn't do the mistake of targeting HR personals and recruiters. HR personals and recruiters are already flooded with job-seeking mails. So, target people who have one or two positions higher than yours. Say if you are at a managerial position in your existing company, you can target senior-level managers. Reach out to them through email. However, you can contact them via messaging. Initially do not directly talk about vacancies. Talk casually, about the project you are working on and the challenges that you are facing. In this way, you can learn also. The person would also come to know what kind of project you are working with. In that way, he/she would understand your job profile. Bonus tips It would better if you mention about one or two projects that you have carried out, as part of your profile on networking sites say LinkedIn. Recruiters do scan your profile before they reach you out. I would give my example. Take a look below.

She has mentioned that she has gone through my profile on LinkedIn. I have mentioned one greenfield project in my profile.

Getting a better job is not that tedious. Only thing is that you should work in that direction with patience.

So, always make the right move. You would get success.

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