100+ Essential Electrical Symbols as per IEC Standard

Electrical Symbols as per IEC Standard
3 mins read

Have you seen electrical drawings? It has only symbolic representation. Sometimes if you have not come across a particular symbol it is very hard to further interpret the electrical drawing.

Whether you are an electrical design engineer, maintenance engineer, or a student working on an electrical project knowing these symbols is surely beneficial.


I have worked with many MNC’s and what I have observed is the majority of companies do follow standards.

Before, I give you the list let me tell you the reason behind the standardization of electrical symbols.

In every nooks and corner of the world, whether it’s a metro rail project, a bullet train project, building automation project, or even in plant maintenance, Electrical Engineers have to come across Electrical drawings.

Imagine – a group of engineers working in an organization starts making their symbols for representation.

Each organization would have its own symbolic representation right!

In that case, a transformer could have been represented in thousand different ways.

It is very difficult to remember all those symbols.

So, standardization is necessary.

Here, I am listing out 100+ Electrical Symbols as per IEC standard 60617.

Electrical Symbols

Annunciators IEC Symbols

Annunciator IEC Symbols

Batteries IEC Symbols

Batteries IEC Symbol

Circuit Breakers IEC Symbols

Circuit Breakers IEC Symbols

Contacts IEC Symbols

Contacts IEC Symbols

Contactors IEC Symbols

Contactors IEC Symbols

Counters IEC Symbols

Counters IEC Symbols

Disconnectors / Isolators IEC Symbols

Disconnectors IEC Symbols

Emergencies IEC Symbols

Emergency IEC Symbols

Fuses IEC Symbols

Fuse IEC Symbols

Inductors IEC Symbols

Inductor IEC Symbols

Limit Switches IEC Symbols

Limit Switches IEC Symbols

Motors IEC Symbols

Motors IEC Symbols

Overload Trips IEC Symbols

Overload Trips IEC Symbols

Pilot Lights IEC Symbols

Pilot Lights IEC Symbols

Push Buttons IEC Symbols

Push Buttons IEC Symbols

Relays IEC Symbols

Relays IEC Symbols

Timers IEC Symbols

Timers IEC Symbols

Transformers IEC Symbols

Transformer IEC Symbols

So these the electrical symbols you would find commonly in industry. Hope you like it. If you need still more, comment in the section below.



  1. Article is really informative. Thank you for sharing details.

    Let me know is there any standard symbol for,
    1. Bi-directional energy meter
    2. Grid Tie Inverter
    3. Electric Vehicle Charging point
    4. Electric Vehicle Charging Equipment
    5. Soft Starter (V3f)


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