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Hands-on Training on PLC and HMI Programming with the TIA Portal

We provide Hands-on PLC training at Vadodara. Read further to know more about our PLC Training.

What You’ll Learn – 

  • Be able to define a PLC, explain what it does, and identify the components that make up a PLC.
  • Can be able to select the hardware components of the PLC System like Digital and Analog I/O Modules.
  • Can be able to upload and download the PLC program in the TIA portal.
  • Would learn to use Bit Logic instructions on each rung and can make ladder logic on their own.
  • Can be able to make PLC Programs using Ladder Logic with Edge Instructions, SET and RESET instructions, Timers, and Counters instructions, and many more.
  • You can make a PLC program using Ladder logic language to solve complex equations using Math Instructions like ADD, SUB, MUL, DIV, CALCULATE, ROUND, etc.
  • Learn practically to communicate PLC with HMI, Computer, and ethernet Hub.
  • You would learn to make HMI screens and test them practically.
  • Know the tips to become a very good PLC Programmer.
  • Can pass a technical PLC Interview with ease.

PLC Training Content               

  • Basic block diagram of PLC

– Signal modules, CPU, Power Supply, mounting rail, and MMC.

  • How PLC works?
  • History of PLC
  • PLC memory concept
  • Programming:

– Programming language and representation in STL, FBD, and LAD.

– Hardware Configuration and setting object Properties of Modules in STEP.

– Programming instruction: AND, OR, AND-before-OR, OR-before-AND, NO / NC contacts,  edge detection instructions. Set / Reset, Elementary data type, etc.

  • Overview of TIA Portal:

– Making new projects in the TIA Portal.

– Selecting the suitable components in the project.

– Uploading and downloading the program.

– Communicating the PLC with other devices like HMI, programming device and ethernet hub.

– TIA Portal Instructions and programming: Set / Reset, Elementary data type, Load / Transfer, Comparison, basic math instructions.

– Timers / Counters List etc.

– Using force table.

– TIA Portal blocks and structured programming.

– Using Data Blocks.

– Use of Organization Blocks.

– Analog signal processing.

– Introduction to HMI.


This course is designed for engineering students as well as working professionals who have little or no prior knowledge of PLC programming. The training starts with very basic.

if you do not know even about electronic components no worries we will provide that knowledge too.

This training is designed in such a way that you can be able to start programming in ladder logic on your own. It provides a comprehensive introduction to PLCs and teaches the fundamental concepts of PLC programming using ladder language.

In this course, you will learn the basic components of a PLC system, the memory concepts of PLC, how to read and interpret ladder logic diagrams, and how to write ladder logic programs for controlling industrial processes. You will also learn how to use various programming instructions such as timers, counters, and data manipulation instructions.

The course will cover the following topics:

  1. Introduction to PLCs.
  2. Basic components of a PLC system.
  3. Reading and interpreting ladder logic diagrams.
  4. Writing ladder logic programs.
  5. Input and output modules.
  6. Timers and counters programming.
  7. Data manipulation instructions.
  8. Simulation and testing of PLC programs.
  9. Uploading and downloading programs to PLCs.
  10. Memory Concept of the PLCs.
  11. Establishing network.
  12. Setting IP address in various components.

Throughout the course, you will work on practical examples and projects to reinforce your learning.

By the end of this course, you will have a strong foundation in PLC programming and be able to write and troubleshoot simple ladder logic programs for industrial processes. This course is ideal for anyone who wants to start a career in industrial automation or upgrade their skills in PLC programming.

Course Duration: 60 hours (approx.)

Join us Today! Call on +918141175857

Previous articleKnow the Different Components of PLC System
Krunal Shah
Krunal Shah is Electrical and Electronics Engineer with almost 12 years of experience in corporate in relevant field before starting Engineers Hub. He loves to share his experience and knowledge and that makes him a passionate educator and career-counselor also. Along with Engineers Hub he also runs Subodh Tech Private Limited where he is involved in providing job-oriented training and Engineering Consultancy.


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