Are you fed up with paying huge monthly electricity bills for your home? The good news is that there are several options for lowering your electricity bill. Here are a few suggestions that residents can put into practice right away.
How to Reduce the Electricity Bill?
With the help of these tips, you can reduce at least 40% of your electricity cost.
1. First and foremost, consider installing a rooftop solar system.
2. Make sure the air conditioners are set to the proper temperature.
3. Use LED lights instead of incandescent lighting.
4. Invest in Energy-Efficient Appliances at all times.
5. Stop using outdated appliances.
6. When purchasing new appliances, look for inverter technology.
If you need to buy new appliances, inverter technology is a far superior option in terms of power consumption. For example, to achieve a fixed temperature, the compressor of a normal AC (non-inverter) runs virtually at full load. Inverter technology, on the other hand, allows the speed to be altered based on the set temperature and the amount of power utilized to be calculated. By using inverter technology appliances, you can save anywhere from 10% to 30% on your energy bill.
7. Hang dry your laundry in sunlight.
8. Switch off electronics that are not in use.
Let me tell you that these chargers and TV on standby mode are the biggest energy vampires. They consume standby power.
This habit of leaving the charger and putting a TV on stand-by without switching it off can cost you 5 percent extra on your total energy usage.
9. Clean the air conditioner’s air filters regularly.
10. Make smart use of window blinds and curtains.
Wrapping Up
The issue of global warming is a big worry. Residents can save energy not just to lower their monthly electricity bills, but also to reduce the amount of Green House Gases and other emissions released into the atmosphere. Residents may lower their carbon footprints in the atmosphere this way.
- “Home Energy Audit – A case study of Phuentsholing, Bhutan”, IEEE Computer Society.
- “Lighting Audit and Energy Efficient LED-based Lighting scheme for a Pharmaceutical Industry”, i-PACT 2017, IEEE.
- “Energy Audit of Individual Air Conditioner: A case study”, IEEE.
- “Energy Conservation through Energy Audit”, ICEI 2017, IEEE.
- “General Aspects of Energy Management and Energy Audit”, Guidebook, Bureau of Energy Efficiency, India.
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